Like all festival in Bhutan, the Thimphu Festival or Thimphu Tshechu is not simply a festival conducted for entertainment . Thimphu Festival is a series of sacred events choreographed to promote happiness and has Buddhist teachings embedded in the dance. The locals believe that witnessing this festival would wash away their sins and ultimately help them to cultivate an enlightened mind.

Festival in Bhutan

Thimphu Festival

During the Thimphu Festival , thousands of people gather at  Tashichho Dzong . Earlier Thimphu Festival was conducted inside of the courtyard but now due to the increase in number of spectators , it is conducted outside the courtyard to accommodate them.

Thimphu Festival

Prior to Thimphu Festival, another short Festival (Lhomo Dromche) is held on the honour of protective female deity Palden Lhamo(Wisdom Mother/Maha Kali).

During the Lhamo Dromche ,21 female protective deities are assembled for the entire two week prayers. The ritual intention is to liberate all the sentient beings from their sufferings. Each morning the monks gather at 3AM infront of the shrine of Palden Lhamo and performs prayers to promote happiness,longevity and peace for Bhutan and the world in general.

The Black Hat dance is also performed each morning inside the chapel. Tourist are not allowed to view this particular event. Many locals visits this festival as they feel witnessing Lhamo Dromche will bring success and happiness. And this is also a time when they enjoy Lhamo Dromche holiday with family and friends and receive the blessings from the sacred dancers.

Black Hat Dance

Following Lhamoi Dromche festival , the four day public presentation of Thimphu Festival begins which begins on the 9th day and ends on the 12th day of the eighth Bhutanese month which usually falls on the month of September or October in Gregorian calendar.

In general , the four day Thimphu Tshechu / Festival  program consist of 24 folk songs and 25 mask dances.

From the second day through fourth day of the festival, all government and institution of Thimphu remain closed for the celebration. So this is a great time for family gathering and celebration.

Bhutan Festival

Some of the popular sacred dances are Four Stag Dance, Malevolent Spirit Dance, Stick Dance, Sword Dance , Drum Dance, wrathful dance Black Hat Dance & Dance of the Death.

Thimphu Festival

Lhamoi Dromche

The locals usually make sure that they attend the final day of Thimphu festival where the eight manifestation of Guru Padmasambhava and the dance of the sixteen dakinis is is displayed. After the end of this dance , the public waits in queue to receive joinng from Guru Pema Jungney,(One of the maifestations).

The festival program finally ends with Trashi Legphel (Auspicious) song led by female singer and joined later by governor, district officials and later the crowd to joins them.


And the song ends with "We make the aspiration to meet again and may all auspiciousness prevail'

Thimphu Festival

So in your Bhutan Visit you can always take part in Thimphu festival where you can try out Bhutanese traditional dress and join the local. You can check our Bhutan Festival Calendar to include Thimphu Festival. For more information you can contact us at


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